VolterraVolterra is a municipality in the province of Pisa of about 11,000 inhabitants. It preserves an important historical center of Etruscan origin (from these ones remains the Gate of the enclosure), with Roman ruins and buildings of the middle ages like the Palace of the Priori in the main square of the same name, or the Cathedral .

The city was under the Romans a municipium, then an influential episcopal seat from the fifth to the twelfth centuries.
It was for a long time under the domination of Florence and the Medici.

Touristic Attractions

  • The Roman Cathedral; The Baptistery of Saint John
  • Piazza dei Priori, one of the most beautiful squares in Italy, surrounded by 14th century buildings including the Palazzo Priori; The municipal gallery.
  • The gate Porta all’Arco Etruscan; The Etruscan Acropolis.
  • The Medicean fortress called “Maschio”.
  • The archaeological excavations of the Roman amphitheater of the city and the tombs in the Valle Bona.
  • The museum of Guarnacci Etruscan, with thousands of funerary urns going back to the Hellenistic and archaic periods.


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